I can't login with unity 2017 version

Hi recently I have downloaded the latest version of unity but it keep on login loop
i cannot login to the application

Hi. I seem to have the same problem: infinite login loop. Did you happen to solve your problem?

Ok… I managed to solve this problem on my side.

I’ve noticed in my google settings that the unity app was not authorised to login. Unfortunetly, that is something that can be changed only by the app itself. And since the app is stuck in a login loop (even after uninstalling/reinstalling) there is no way to change the settings.

However, by erasing the C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\LocalLow\Unity directory which seems to contain the login cache, the editor will stop looping and will ask you again how you wish to login. I chose Facebook instead of Google and it seemed to work like a charm this time.

Hope this helps. Perhaps I should send a bug report just in case.

Thanks! Will check it.

On the Mac, I had to delete the Unity folders under /Library/Application Support (where the license file lives), and under ~/Library/Application Support/ to make the dialog work in 2017.

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Unity editor is peace of crap. I just can’t login in the editor (by any way). Also I can’t sent them feedback by the unity form because the “send” button is fu**ing locked.

Open Unity by clicking on a scene file to get in. However deleting the cache files didn’t work for me. Disabling the network lets me in, in offline mode. But connected to the asset store (need to connect again) comes up with the same login loop problem.

I did try logging in to 2018 which worked, then downloaded the asset I want. Then I went back to 2017 and it also worked. It might be a certificate issued to 2018 that is more up to date which is backward compatible with 2017 perhaps?

erasing the unity directory worked for me, Thanks