I can't seem to get the font "T4C Beaulieux" to work !

Hi !

I'm working on a personal project, a "The Fourth Coming" (or T4C) game like. In order to do that, I need to use a special font, T4C Beaulieux, available with the link below. The problem is, when I change my style, the font don't seem to change ! I've tried other fonts without trouble, and the Windows preview of the .ttf works just fine.

If anyone have an idea ...

T4C Beaulieux DL

(I'm working on Windows XP SP3, Unity 3.1 Free trial)

Thanks to this post, I found how to solve the problem. It's pretty simple : the parameter "Character" is set to "Dynamic" by default and should be "Unicode" instead.

Salut Berenger,

What happened to this project?
T4C is my favorite game ever and I’m very interested in what you did.