I can load and show the ads on the computer, but when I open it on the android platform, it either freezes while loading and the application closes or does not show. I get one error and that’s it ;
You are trying to create a MonoBehaviour using the ‘new’ keyword. This is not allowed. MonoBehaviours can only be added using AddComponent(). Alternatively, your script can inherit from ScriptableObject or no base class at all
GoogleMobileAds.Unity.RewardingAdBaseClient:CreateButtonBehavior() (at F:/Projeler/Intergalactic 2 - 2/Assets/GoogleMobileAds/Platforms/Unity/RewardingAdBaseClient.cs:90)
GoogleMobileAds.Unity.RewardingAdBaseClient:Show() (at F:/Projeler/Intergalactic 2 - 2/Assets/GoogleMobileAds/Platforms/Unity/RewardingAdBaseClient.cs:154)
GoogleMobileAds.Api.RewardedAd:Show() (at F:/Projeler/Intergalactic 2 - 2/Assets/GoogleMobileAds/Api/RewardedAd.cs:120)
Reklamlar:ÖdüllüReklamGöster() (at F:/Projeler/Intergalactic 2 - 2/Assets/Scripts/Reklamlar.cs:29)
Panel:respawn() (at F:/Projeler/Intergalactic 2 - 2/Assets/Scripts/Panel.cs:323)