I changed PPU and my controls no longer work

Hi, I’m making a 2D pixel art game and I made controls for jumping and walking for my character, I also made an animation for walking, but it didn’t look quite right when I entered play mode, so I changed the PPU from 100 to 20. After I did that, the character was no longer affected by gravity and couldn’t walk anymore. PPU was the only setting I changed and even if I set it back to 100 the controls still don’t work and the character still isn’t affected by gravity.

Rendering/Sprites/PPU have nothing whatsoever to do with physics. Sounds like you’re associating something you changed with something you broke.

Presumably you have this is source-control so maybe check what you changed in the project, even roll it back.

Add a Rigidbody2D and hit play, it’ll fall assuming you’ve not changed the global settings such as gravity, simulation mode etc.

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Thank you so much for the response!
It turns out that I accidentally added a position property to my animation, which is why the character stood in place.

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