I completely ignore video transcoding for a long time. Because it is not good.

Hi all,
I just wanted to say. Transcoding makes my Adobe Premiere edited Industrial standard videos 10x size.
Yes it is true, it especially kills webm videos by increasing their size 10x.
If I don’t have to use it because of transparency I completely ignore transcoding and I believe that should be not the case…
Hope some improvements.
Thank you.

Sorry to hear that. We are always happy to get feedback. What was the original file extension (.mp4, .avi, etc.), codec (H264, H265, VP8, etc.), and size? Why can’t you allow a larger video file? Are you targetting low-end devices, or do you want a small footprint?

The main problem is about webm (VP8, by the way it would be also good to have VP9).
My game is mobile and If I use larger videos android kicks me out. Besides I use those transparent files as my UI (which is really a beautiful solution sometimes) but if it is even bigger than 2mb because of the load time they again become useless.

To be sure, I understand the context. Your workflow is:

  • Get your webm from Adobe Premiere edited Industrial standard videos
  • Import it in Unity
  • Transcode if you need transparency

And your point is that you should always transcode your file even if you don’t necessarily need to. And right now, you can’t do that because when doing so, the output file is ten times the original file?

yes because Unity says “Transcode your videos! otherwise, we don’t guarantee if it works in all platforms.”

For VP9, it is in our backlog and I added your feedback to our product board.

For the size issue, you need to note that the transcoder has 2 settings, the bitrate mode and the spatial quality. By default, they are at high. If you have a low-quality video and transcode it in high spatial quality, you will see your file size increasing and it will look the same. I would recommend playing with these settings if you didn’t have the chance to do. It will probably fix your issues.

But even then you probably don’t have to. Webm is supported on all platforms. In fact, generally, we transcode almost every file in webm to allow cross platforms compatibility. So you should be good without transcoding it in “theory”. They are some webm functionality, not supported but if your file is simple and “standard” you should not have any issue. It is really more an issue if you use H264 or H265 because not all platforms have access to these codecs.

thanks, good to learn,
while you are here, could you also help me to solve this problem. my webm video has no audio