I create a cutout shader do not cut shadow!!!

Hello, guys.
I created a cutout shader use for my game character, but the shadow do not cutout.
look this:

A bit late but maybe this can help:

As said above, you must add a fallback shader like

Fallback "Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse"

BUT you also have to rename your “_AT” parameter in “_Cutoff” (case-sensitive!) because the fallback shader uses a “_Cutoff” parameter to compute shadows.
For the same reason, you may have to add a “_Color” parameter too. I think the shadow computation part uses the alpha component of the “_Color” parameter to weight the fragment alpha output.

If you don’t define those parameters or you use the wrong names, the shadow computation won’t work correctly.

It took me very long to understand that. And I never saw this written anywhere in Unity doc… I had to make lots of experiment to finally get it…

Peace :slight_smile:

try to put at the end of the shader

Fallback "Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse"

If I am right this should let your shader cast the right shadow, as it takes the shadow casting codes from it

I hope this helps and let me know if it works :slight_smile:

When i use projector shadow , it is all right. But it is no best way.