as you can see in my screenshots, on the top (red marked) it say’s i did 0/6 missions, but as you can see in the yellow marked areas, i completed every one of the steps required. why is that, any ideas?
Sorry i’m veeery new and i didn’t find anything about this
Hi there, can you share which Unity Version you are using, when you click into one of the tutorials? One thing to check is whether you’ve completed the Mission Checkpoints in the same version across all of this content.
Another thing to try is to resubmit/retake the checkpoint assessment quizzes/tutorials. You may have completed these when our progress tracking API was down, so the overall completion wasn’t registered and needs to be redone.
I’m using the newest Unity 6 version (can say it precisely when i’m home in about 4 hours), but i downloaded the newest version 1 week ago and did the Essentials Path since then, no unity update’s or anything in between all the tutorials.
i think this isn’t really the problem, as i’ve redone every single quiz/tutorial and i even got an email from saying “Nino Binda! You just earned a badge from Unity Technologies ” and then “Unity Essentials Pathway
Issuer: Unity Technologies”
so I guess the system knows i’ve done it. It just won’t show it.
What more can i do?
I’ve been seeing the same problem for a while now. I finished the Essentials Pathway a few months ago (before Unity 6), and this issue was present even back then. Now, I’m doing the pathway using Unity 6 and it still says “0/6 Missions completed” even though I’m completing all contents in the missions.
Same problem here… I finished the first mission, but it still says 0/6. A real bummer! I know it is a minor thing, but it would be nice to see my progress after each step. Helps keep me motivated to keep doing each mission.
Hey all, I wanted to let you know that the Unity Essentials pathway has been rebuilt using a new infrastructure. If you’ve had trouble with it in the past, and you have the time, please check it out and let us know if your problems have been resolved, and generally let us know what you think.
In rebuilding we’ve made some improvements and simplifications. One of the simplifications you should know about is that we’ve moved away from separate Mission Checkpoints, so the assignments are just within the Mission now. Also, to complete a Mission and the whole Pathway, all content within it must be complete, rather than just the checkpoints. So if you had previously completed a Mission by skipping to the checkpoint, you’d need to go back and mark the individual tutorials complete.
You should see similar overhauls to the other Pathways rolling out soon. Happy learning!