I don’t know, but I think game dev, is like ‘playing’ complex game. Requires lots of tinkering and problem solving.
I just can not imagine, someone who try make a game, not liking to play something more complex from time to time.
Besides times, when just want to put brain cells into the rest for a bit.
Even minecraft can be very complex, and very easy as we make it.
Many MMOs doesn’t force us to do all stuff. Just open paths of options.
Long time ago I did play WoW. But I didn’t bother with crafting and mining, or fishing. These were completely optional.
Most games don’t require reading any docs, or stats, to play casually. Unless starting getting serious. Which become complex.
Factorio, KSP, From The Depths these can be complex as we make. But can be also simple. We are not forced anyhow, to make it complex. Sure, not everyone must like these type of sandboxing/construction games.
Then we have racing games. These can be as well complex. Is not just casual riding about. Rather racing against opponents and time.
FPS games can also be complex. Or DOTA, or LOL. But we can play them casually, without much stress, not bothering about ranking. More stress would imply haters chatting than game itself 
Playing tower defense can be relatively simple as well. Unless we want beat high score.
Tetris, or arkanoid can be simple and complex, if wanting high score. Will require little, or lots of focus.
Flappy bird anyone? Simple or complex? You would though single button can not make you anyhow stressful … 
Older games typically had just play and thats it.
Today we have tons of upgrades as the option. Get faster, get more health, get higher damage, get new equipment.
But even then, no one forces us to use it. But then we probably will struggle to progress.
Witcher 3 allowed us to play only story, or set for challenge, with fights. So such complex game for example, become casual and pleasant.
You can pick up crossword and sudoku. Choose easy or hard, as per liking.
If there will be hand holding on every step, no much of plying fun would be left. I better go to watch film. Or play game with tons of cut scenes.
So in my humble opinion, most games are as complex, as we making it to be.
In fact, many games feels they are dumbed down, in comparison to their ancestors. Which also leads to unfun.
In the end, game were suppose to imply some challange, to make it fun. Rolling ball down the hill forever, would be extremely boring.
In the end, I am glad we have options, to play different type of games, with different difficulties and challenges, literally for everyones liking.