I don't mind when u read mine

\Unity Package Manager Diagnostics (v0.1.5)

Ran 7 checks

4 succeeded
1 failed
2 returned a warning

:white_check_mark: UPM registry reachable (PASS)
Make an HTTP request to the UPM package registry

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Provider: Genesis
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2020 11:53:35 GMT
Connection: close

:warning: Ping UPM registry (WARNING)
Measure the latency of the UPM package registry API

2 pings made in 5.207 seconds
Average latency: 596.05 ms
Minimum latency: 314.28 ms
Maximum latency: 877.82 ms
Standard deviation: 398.48

:warning: Ping UPM download (WARNING)
Measure the latency of the UPM package download endpoint

1 ping made in 5.66 seconds
Average latency: 12.07 ms
Minimum latency: 12.07 ms
Maximum latency: 12.07 ms
Standard deviation: 0.00

:white_check_mark: UPM registry download speed (PASS)
Test the Internet connection using the UPM package registry

Measured speed to the UPM registry: 84.87 Megabits per second

:white_check_mark: Speedtest.net (PASS)
Test the Internet connection using Speedtest.net

Measured speed to the Speedtest.net server: 91.89 Megabits per second

:white_check_mark: HTTP proxy environment variables (PASS)
Detect whether proxy-related environment variables are set (HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, ALL_PROXY, NO_PROXY, UNITY_PROXYSERVER, UNITY_NOPROXY)

No proxy support has been configured through environment variables.

:x: UPM health check (FAIL)
Start the UPM process and call its health endpoint

Server started but did not respond to health requests:

[2020-07-10T11:53:33.363Z][INFO] Opened report file ‘C:\ProgramData\Unity\UnityPackageManagerDiagnostics\diagnostic_report_Fri_10_07_2020_235328_90.txt’
[2020-07-10T11:53:33.367Z][INFO] Starting diagnostics
[2020-07-10T11:53:33.371Z][INFO][UpmRegistryReachable] Sending HEAD request to https://packages.unity.com
[2020-07-10T11:53:35.793Z][INFO][PingUpmRegistry] Starting ping test on ‘http://packages.unity.com/com.unity.package-manager.metadata
[2020-07-10T11:53:41.164Z][INFO][PingUpmDownload] Starting ping test on ‘http://download.packages.unity.com/com.unity.package-manager.metadata/-/com.unity.package-manager.metadata-0.0.1.tgz
[2020-07-10T11:53:46.844Z][INFO][UpmRegistryDownloadSpeed] Starting speed test with UPM registry
[2020-07-10T11:53:55.233Z][INFO][UpmRegistryDownloadSpeed] Download: 84.87 Megabits per second
[2020-07-10T11:53:55.233Z][INFO][Speedtest.Net] Starting speed test with Speedtest.net
[2020-07-10T11:54:07.458Z][INFO][Speedtest.Net] Download: 91.89 Megabits per second
[2020-07-10T11:54:07.462Z][INFO][Speedtest.Net] Upload: 6.27 Megabits per second
[2020-07-10T11:54:07.514Z][INFO][UpmHealthCheck] Starting health check
[2020-07-10T11:54:13.262Z][INFO] Finished diagnostics
[2020-07-10T11:54:13.594Z][INFO] Created report at ‘C:\ProgramData\Unity\UnityPackageManagerDiagnostics\diagnostic_report_Fri_10_07_2020_235328_90.txt’

Could you confirm if you’ve read the pinned thread at **READ ME FIRST** Troubleshooting connection/loading project issues with Package Manager ?

Also, a copy of your editor.log would be very useful.