Maybe zombiegorrila is a nice guy in real life, I dont’ know. But his behavior in this forum looks impatinet and unfriednly to newbies.
He labelled post he doesn’t like or he thinks it is stupid as pointless or sth. I am surprised to find out there is only zombiegorrila who locks threads, other moderators doesn’t lock threads.
So I suggest the forum to investigate this case. Thanks.
Others can forbid you from posting in threads when they don’t like what you have to say. And they do that after having removed the posts they didn’t like without mentioning that they removed posts…
@zombiegorilla is a good moderator and if you look at his reasons for locking a thread they are all valid. Now, you on the other hand, are always getting yourself into problems where your threads are locked.
Try to ask yourself why and make a good analysis of it. Is it the mods who are wrong, or you?
Two more threads violating the rules. Not a good idea. I have never called something stupid, but plenty of things pointless. You have been given several warnings about your pointless behaviour. When you are informed that you should not do something, repeating several more times isn’t going to go well for you.
If you have issue with your account, contact support, do not spam the community with your conspiracy theories. Not the place. At any rate, you posting privileges have been revoked.