I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS IVE TRYED EVERYTHING IN MIND. WHAT IS THIS error CS1585: Member modifier 'public' must precede the member type and name

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// Unity
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;

// NUnit
using NUnit.Framework;

// OPS - AntiCheat
using OPS.AntiCheat.Prefs;

namespace OPS.AntiCheat.Tests

/// Test AntiCheats Protected PlayerPrefs.

public class TestProtectedPlayerPrefs
// HasKey
#region HasKey

    public IEnumerator Test_ProtectedPlayerPrefsHasKey()
        String var_Key = "OPS_AntiCheat_Test";

        Assert.AreEqual(false, ProtectedPlayerPrefs.HasKey(var_Key));

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetInt(var_Key, 1234);

        Assert.AreEqual(1234, ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetInt(var_Key));

        Assert.AreEqual(true, ProtectedPlayerPrefs.HasKey(var_Key));


        yield return null;


    // Int
    #region Int

    public IEnumerator Test_ProtectedPlayerPrefsInt()
        String var_Key = "OPS_AntiCheat_Test";

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetInt(var_Key, 1234);

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetInt(var_Key), 1234);

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetInt(var_Key, 123456);

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetInt(var_Key), 123456);


        yield return null;


    // Float
    #region Float

    public IEnumerator Test_ProtectedPlayerPrefsFloat()
        String var_Key = "OPS_AntiCheat_Test";

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetFloat(var_Key, 1234.123f);

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetFloat(var_Key), 1234.123f);

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetFloat(var_Key, 123456.12345f);

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetFloat(var_Key), 123456.12345f);


        yield return null;


    // String
    #region String

    public IEnumerator Test_ProtectedPlayerPrefsString()
        String var_Key = "OPS_AntiCheat_Test";

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetString(var_Key, "Hello World!");

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetString(var_Key), "Hello World!");

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetString(var_Key, "Hello World, nice to meet you!");

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetString(var_Key), "Hello World, nice to meet you!");


        yield return null;


    // Bool
    #region Bool

    public IEnumerator Test_ProtectedPlayerPrefsBool()
        String var_Key = "OPS_AntiCheat_Test";

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetBool(var_Key, false);

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetBool(var_Key), false);

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetBool(var_Key, true);

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetBool(var_Key), true);


        yield return null;


    // Vector
    #region Vector

    public IEnumerator Test_ProtectedPlayerPrefsVector2()
        String var_Key = "OPS_AntiCheat_Test";

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetVector2(var_Key, Vector2.zero);

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetVector2(var_Key).ToString(), Vector2.zero.ToString());

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetVector2(var_Key, new Vector2(1, 2));

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetVector2(var_Key).ToString(), new Vector2(1, 2).ToString());


        yield return null;

    public IEnumerator Test_ProtectedPlayerPrefsVector3()
        String var_Key = "OPS_AntiCheat_Test";

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetVector3(var_Key, Vector3.zero);

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetVector3(var_Key).ToString(), Vector3.zero.ToString());

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetVector3(var_Key, new Vector3(1, 2, 3));

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetVector3(var_Key).ToString(), new Vector3(1, 2, 3).ToString());


        yield return null;

    public IEnumerator Test_ProtectedPlayerPrefsVector4()
        String var_Key = "OPS_AntiCheat_Test";

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetVector4(var_Key, Vector4.zero);

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetVector4(var_Key).ToString(), Vector4.zero.ToString());

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetVector4(var_Key, new Vector4(1, 2, 3, 4));

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetVector4(var_Key).ToString(), new Vector4(1, 2, 3, 4).ToString());


        yield return null;


    // Quaternion
    #region Quaternion

    public IEnumerator Test_ProtectedPlayerPrefsQuaternion()
        String var_Key = "OPS_AntiCheat_Test";

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetQuaternion(var_Key, Quaternion.identity);

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetQuaternion(var_Key).ToString(), Quaternion.identity.ToString());

        ProtectedPlayerPrefs.SetQuaternion(var_Key, new Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4));

        Assert.AreEqual(ProtectedPlayerPrefs.GetQuaternion(var_Key).ToString(), new Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4).ToString());


        yield return null;



You seem to be missing all the square brackets around all the UnityTests that are above each method. Should be [UnityTest].

yes i know but thats what the error was

Then fix the missing brackets?

The error is because the compiler thinks you’re writing UnityTest public IEnumerator which makes no sense.

how is it though?

Because C# doesn’t care about line breaks. It uses brackets, curly braces, parentheses and etc to group code, and semi-colons to end lines.

To C#, this is valid code:



Just… fix the missing square brackets.

i put the brackets back but know theres 73 errors

this is what one says
error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘NUnit’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I mean, is this even your code? It looks like code copied from somewhere else.

You’re probably missing a bunch of dependencies.

no it is not mine

Did you copy this into your project? Or is it from this anti-cheat package?

If its caused by the package itself, talk to the package developer.

If you just copied this into your project… that’s not how things work.

i think its the package itslef

Then if the package doesn’t compile correctly when installed, talk to the package developer.

ok i will