I am new to unity, and I have a question. I keep falling through the terrain when I hit the play button. What do I do to stop this?
If you are using the unity’s terrain then make sure that it contains terrain collider and your player too must have a collider component on it . Both collider’s IsTrigger property
must be unchecked. If IsTrigger of any collider would be enabled or checked your player fall through the terrain.
If you are using your own terrain (any game object like cube etc.) the it must also have a collider on it with isTrigger property Off.
Add collider into your gameobject.
select your gameObject then go to inspector click Add component/ Physics/ BoxCollider.
if youre using a unity terrain it should have the collider. check your player has a collider, and if its a custom terrain (like a model) - make sure that too, has a mesh collider.