I got a code for first person camera movement but there is an issue with it.

If that’s your hierarchy (Camera at root), then line 29 and 30 are the same transform, hence only one of those lines will win, the second one… the one that looks up / down.

Hey, look at that… that’s the exact problem you reported!

7929805--1012870--Screen Shot 2022-02-27 at 11.01.47 AM.png

If I had to guess, the above script is supposed to be on the character, and the Camera is supposed to be a child, which is not the case in your hierarchy above.

PS. If you would prefer something more full-featured here is a super-basic starter prototype FPS based on Character Controller (BasicFPCC):

That one has run, walk, jump, slide, crouch… it’s crazy-nutty!!

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