i Guys so my caracter is walking normaly but wen i change the way is facing he steel moves the same direction pls help what im missing

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

public class ff : MonoBehaviour {

public Animator anim;
public Rigidbody rbody;

private float inputH;
private float inputV;
private bool run;

float rotSpeed = 80;
float rot = 0f;

// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
    anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
    rbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
    run = false;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
        run = true;
        run = false;


    inputH = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
    inputV = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");

    anim.SetBool ("run",run);
    float moveX = inputH*60f*Time.deltaTime;
    float moveZ = inputV*100f*Time.deltaTime;

    if(moveZ <= 0f)
        moveX = 0f;
    else if (run)
    rbody.velocity = new Vector3(moveX,0f,moveZ);

    rot += Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * rotSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
    transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0, rot, 0);



Hi @unity_NDKcVcBDZbO2ig , I don’t see you put any direction when moving the character. Your code contains your player input, your movement speed, and the deltaTime.

rbody.velocity = new Vector3(moveX,0f,moveZ);

If you want to move your character forward in the direction it’s facing, you could multiply this by transform.forward.

Here the code I used in a previous project of mine, to move a character in 3D space:

// prepare forward movement
            Vector3 forwardVelocity = transform.forward * _movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime * -1 * Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0 ? _backwardsMovementModifier : 1f);
            // prepare sideways movement
            Vector3 sidewaysVelocity = transform.right * _movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
            // apply movement
            _rigidbody.MovePosition(transform.position + forwardVelocity + sidewaysVelocity);