I hate UnityRemote

Can’t be used,right?


if you setup your wifi properly on both computer and phone you should eb good to go , can lag a bit sometimes…but other than that the latest remote work fine.

make sure to grab latest remote app of runity setup you wifi and hop :smile:

I feel, play ten seconds after,wifi on the iphone automatically interrupted…

Turn Bluetooth off?

iPhone Bluetooth or Macbook Bluetooth?

iPhone Bluetooth is off,
Macbook Bluetooth is on.

Sit further away from the computer if you use an adhoc connection (ie the macbook offers the wifi)

its normally favorable to have it going through a wifi access point at home and from there back to the computer, gives you no direct interferance. I’ve been using it since its first version without the slightest problem on connectivity

iphone away computer??

You can do both, remote for rapid device testing and build to device for normal.

i wish that unity remote worked for my ipad and the ipod touch i use for testing too.

When it works, it works nice. In my network, it seems to kill my wireless network. After long enough my entire network colapses. Figure it’s more of an issue with my network than the tool, though, since I have a rather old linksys wifi router.

I had sort of the same issue here where everytime I reconnected an iPhone to the routers wireless network the router would restart. Changing the routers security key type from wep to wpa2-psk fixed it for me

Also, the iPod touch 4g works with remote here

Hmm… I may try that this weekend… I been for 3 months debugging my game on keyboard (I first designed it with keyboard controls in mind) and recompiling and deploying to the device when I had to test touch centric features. Its been some tedious 3 months.

also note that remote works perfectly (depending what type game) on any speed network if you turn the video display off and just use it for touches, gyro and accelerometer while watching game play in the editor

it does without a problem.
I have it on my itouch1, itouch3, itouch4, ipad1 and ipad2 and it works without a problem.

as for the wep to wpa: thats a thing you should have done in 2008 independent of the remote cause at wep you could just have not securid it as it takes minutes to break in at max. But I guess you know that :wink:

I tried the remote thing and it was completely unusable on my WiFi network.