I have 11 errors, Newline in constant Unexspected symbol Etc.

I’ve currently been making this text game and I’ve come across 11 errors, i have 8 Newline in constant and 1 unexspected symbol 1 unterminated string literal and 1 parsing error, Newline in constant errors are at (101,0) (102,0) (103,0) (104,0) (105,0) (111,0) (112,0) and (113,0) Parsing error is at (113,2) The unexspected symbol is at (104,18) “You” and last is the unterminated string literal at (113,2) Thanks.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class TextController : MonoBehaviour {
	public Text text;
	private enum States {cell, sheets_0, sheets_1, lock_0, lock_1, mirror, cell_mirror, freedom, cafe_0, RoamingCells, wander, FreePrisoners, Knives_1, Knives_0, Forks_0, Forks_1, Spoons};
	private States myState;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		myState = States.cell;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		print (myState);
		if (myState == States.cell) {state_cell();}
		else if (myState == States.sheets_0) {state_sheets_0();}
		else if (myState == States.sheets_1) {state_sheets_1();}
		else if (myState == States.lock_0) {state_lock_0();}
		else if (myState == States.lock_1) {state_lock_1();}
		else if (myState == States.mirror) {state_mirror();}
		else if (myState == States.cell_mirror) {state_cell_mirror();}
		else if (myState == States.freedom) {state_freedom();}
		else if (myState == States.cafe_0) {state_cafe_0();}
		else if (myState == States.RoamingCells) {state_RoamingCells();}
		else if (myState == States.wander) {state_wander();}
		else if (myState == States.FreePrisoners) {state_FreePrisoners();}
		else if (myState == States.Knives_0) {state_Knives_0();}
		else if (myState == States.Knives_1) {state_Knives_!();}
		else if (myState == States.Forks_0) {state_Forks_0();}
		else if (myState == States.Forks_1) {state_Forks_1();}
		else if (myState == States.Spoons) {state_Spoons();}
	void state_cell() {
		text.text = "You are in a prison cell, and you want to escape. There are " +
			"some dirty sheets on the bed, a mirror on the wall, and the door " +
				"is locked from the outside.

" +
“Press S to view Sheets, M to view Mirror and L to view Lock” ;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) {myState = States.sheets_0;}
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)) {myState = States.mirror;}
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) {myState = States.lock_0;}
void state_mirror() {
text.text = "The dirty old mirror on the wall seems loose.

" +
“Press T to Take the mirror, or R to Return to cell” ;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) {myState = States.cell_mirror;}
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) {myState = States.cell;}
void state_sheets_0() {
text.text = "You can’t believe you sleep in these things. Surely it’s " +
"time somebody changed them. The pleasures of prison life " +
"I guess!

" +
“Press R to Return to roaming your cell” ;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) {myState = States.cell;}
void state_sheets_1() {
text.text = "Holding a mirror in your hand doesn’t make the sheets look " +
"any better.

" +“Press R to Return to roaming your cell” ;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) {myState = States.cell_mirror;}
void state_lock_0() {
text.text = "This is one of those button locks. You have no idea what the " +
"combination is. You wish you could somehow see where the dirty " +
"fingerprints were, maybe that would help.

" +
“Press R to Return to roaming your cell” ;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) {myState = States.cell;}
void state_lock_1() {
text.text = "You carefully put the mirror through the bars, and turn it round " +
"so you can see the lock. You can just make out fingerprints around " +
"the buttons. You press the dirty buttons, and hear a click.

" +
“Press O to Open, or R to Return to your cell” ;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O)) {myState = States.freedom;}
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) {myState = States.cell_mirror;}
void state_cell_mirror() {
text.text = "You are still in your cell, and you STILL want to escape! There are " +
"some dirty sheets on the bed, a mark where the mirror was, " +
"and that pesky door is still there, and firmly locked!

" +
“Press S to view Sheets, or L to view Lock” ;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) {myState = States.sheets_1;}
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) {myState = States.lock_1;}
void state_freedom() {
text.text = "You are FREE! From your cell at least, Now you must escape the prison walls.

" +
“Press W to wander around. Press L to look in other peoples cells. Press C to look in the cafe.”;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) {myState = States.wander;}
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) {myState = States.RoamingCells;}
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C)) {myState = States.cafe_0;}
void state_cafe_0() {
text.text = "You are now in the Cafe, What would you like to do?

" +
“Press F to look at forks. Press S to look at spoons. Press K to look at knives.”;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) {myState = States.Forks_0;}
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) {myState = States.Spoons;}
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.K)) {myState = States.Knives_1;}
void state_wander() {
text.text = "You are wandering around and a guard spots you.

" +
"Press P to play again.;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) {myState = States.cell;}
void state_RoamingCells() {
text.text = "You are checking in some prisoners cells, But you forgot that your the only one out.

" +
"Press P to free the prisoners.;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) {myState = States.FreePrisoners;}
void state_wander() {
text.text = "You free all the prisoners, But they start a riot and everything ends badly for you.

" +
"Press P to play again.;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) {myState = States.cell;}

Missing closing quote in line 100 and 110.