I have 2 games in the AppStore(iOS), is it hard to rebuild them for Android?

I have 2 games currently in the appStore, and both of them are programmed in C#. Is it going to be very hard to integrate everything to Android? Like leaderboards, Ads, and the actual gameplay?

Any information would be helpful! Thank you in advance!

Theoretically gameplay should pretty much need no changes. You may have to adjust your UI and maybe make sure the performance is still ok.

@mbowen89 Thanks a lot mate!

What would you suggest? - Should I build it for the latest OS? Lollipop or whatever the latest is right now, or for a previous OS? I’m not sure if majority of Android users update their devices. And last question - AdMob or Chartboost? On iOS just did iAd.

Thank you.

I don’t do leaderboards or ads, my game games are sold for $1.99.

Your minimum build target shouldn’t be the latest. If it works on Gingerbread for example, it doesn’t hurt to make that your minimum.

@mbowen89 I see, interesting, thank you for the info. Do you get decent amount of sales? Mine are FREE on ApStore and I only got around 400 downloads on each, one was released a month ago and the second one a week ago.

Here’s my latest game on Google Play, released in November. It’s $1.99 and you can see the details on how many downloads approx etc: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bowengames.pullingusa

@mbowen89 I see, pretty good. Great game btw, good job. Thank you very much for all of the information, for now I’ll try to put one for free and second one for 0.99 or 1.99, we’ll see what happens.
Thanks again!