using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class JellyMesh : MonoBehaviour
public float Intensity = 1f;
public float Mass = 1f;
public float stiffness = 1f;
public float damping = 0.75f;
//you cannot have two types on the same declaration unless you give them a default value like so
private Mesh OriginalMesh = null, MeshClone = null;
private MeshRenderer renderer;
private JellyVertex[] jv;
private Vector3[] vertexArray;
void Start()
OriginalMesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
MeshClone = Instantiate(OriginalMesh);
GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = MeshClone;
renderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
jv = new JellyVertex[MeshClone.vertices.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < MeshClone.vertices.Length; i++)
//here you called jv, and jv is an array, so jv[i], MeshClone.vertices is also an array, so MeshClone.vertices[i]
jv[i] = new JellyVertex(i, transform.TransformPoint(MeshClone.vertices[i]));
void FixedUpdate()
vertexArray = OriginalMesh.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < jv.Length; i++)
//here you called jv, and jv is an array, so jv[i]
Vector3 target = transform.TransformPoint(vertexArray[jv[i].ID]);
float intensity = (1 - (renderer.bounds.max.y - target.y) / renderer.bounds.size.y) * Intensity;
//here you called jv, and jv is an array, so jv[i]
jv[i].Shake(target, Mass, stiffness, damping);
//here you called jv, and jv is an array, so jv[i]
target = transform.InverseTransformPoint(jv[i].Position);
//here you called jv, and jv is an array, so jv[i]
vertexArray[jv[i].ID] = Vector3.Lerp(vertexArray[jv[i].ID], target, intensity);
MeshClone.vertices = vertexArray;
public class JellyVertex
public int ID;
public Vector3 Position;
public Vector3 velocity, Force;
public JellyVertex(int _id, Vector3 _pos)
ID = _id;
Position = _pos;
public void Shake(Vector3 target, float m, float s, float d)
Force = (target - Position) * s;
velocity = (velocity + Force / m) * d;
Position += velocity;
if ((velocity + Force + Force / m).magnitude < 0.001f)
Position = target;
I really have no idea what you’re talking about but I’ll give you +1 credit for at least getting the code formatting right.
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