I have a maths problem (Mathf.pow?)


I have a billiard ball, with this script:
void Update () {
transform.position += Vector3.one*Velocity;
Velocity *= 0.98f;

I need to hit the ball so that it rolls a distance of exactly 250 units.

How do I calculate what to set as the ball’s velocity, so that it would reach my target distance, whether it’s 250, or any other number?
Here’s my Flash prototype, but as you can see, I didn’t quite get to an accurate solution. I (shamefully) just simulated the ball at the target destination, and marched backwards (cheating).

My game is this, I’m working on the AI.

How about instead of all that weirdness, you use an ease method of some sort… like you would in flash w/ a tween.

Here are various tween functions defined:

They all have the shape:
ease(float current, float initialValue, float totalChange, float dur)

With a coroutine you can do this:

void Start()
    StartCoroutine(EaseMethods.QuadEaseIn, this.transform.position, this.transform.position + Vector3.one * 250f, 3.0f));

IEnumerator EaseTowards(Ease easeMethod, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float dur)
    float t = 0f;
    Vector3 v = end - start;
    Vector3 len = v.magnitude;
    while(t < dur)
        this.transform.position = start + v * easeMethod(t, 0f, 1f, dur) * len;
        yield return null;
    this.transform.position = end;

Note the linked source for the ease methods is actually part of a tween library of mine.

There are other tween libraries as well like iTween and HOTween that are similar.