I have a question

Hey guys, my Last post nobody answered me in the right way … I sent a message to the support of unity, but so far nothing. I want how much does the version that comes with the open source cost so that I Can move and release some functions that the engine does not expose in closed code. Please do not send those store links because not what I am looking for.

You need to contact Unity directly via Unity note the bottom entry in this dropdown list. The people on this forum (mostly) do not work for Unity and cannot help you unless you get lucky and someone who does work for Unity notices this and replies.

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And someone in the other thread you created (which you should have simply replied to) suggested source code access is probably in the $10,000+ range, at least. So unless this is a huge project you’re working on, you probably need to consider other options.

Do you want to explain specifically what kind of functionality you feel is missing from the engine that you believe you can only achieve through access to the source code? It’s possible someone here will know of another way to achieve what you’re looking for. For example, these days there’s the Scriptable Render Pipeline, which allows you a lot of control over the rendering, which you can be working on without access to Unity’s underlying source code.

I want to access the source code to solve a problem that every open world game has on this engine, which is about the floating point, Where you arrive at a certain coordinate (like about 5 kilometers) and you have to move everything through a workaround to avoid starting to loquate the engine.If I’m not mistaken it’s the shiftword (correct me if I’m wrong).



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