I have a simple question about the editor.

This is a ridiculously simple question about the editor. How do I access the controls regarding the arrows shooting out of my player? You see they are not there on the image on the left, but on the image on the right they are there slightly behind my player. Do you have any idea how I access the controls regarding their position?

Do you mean the position gizmo with the green and red arrow and how its position relates to the player sprite?

Or do you mean the yellow pixel-art arrow that is shooting out of the red weapon the player is holding?

Either way, since you have the gun etc as children of the Player, their transform position will be relative to that of the player. The position of the sprites is relative to the position of their pivot point, usually that’s in the center of the image. However, if the image were 512x512 but the weapon is drawn in the lower left corner of that image, the weapon would not be at the position you might expect it to be.

If you want to have a logical position where arrows appear that you are shooting, so they do not appear on top or underneath the center of the weapon sprite, you need to add another empty game object (let’s call it “muzzle”) under the weapon sprite and move it so that its position is where you want to spawn the arrows. Then in order to spawn the arrows at that point you’d take the muzzle world position as the position of the arrow instance, and make sure not to parent the arrows anywhere in the player hierarchy.