I have an error with my scripts PLEASE HELP ME

Hello to everyone . I have made 2d games these days. Butttt I have a lot of mistakes or error I do not know

The error is that

There are 5 diamonds in my map. Each diamond is a polygon collider. When the character touches the diamond, the diamond value increases 1 -----------> NORMAL

, but sometimes when the character touches any diamond, diamond value increases 2
I don’t want that -----------> ERROR

My script is that

private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D diamondCheck)

    if (diamondCheck.gameObject.tag == "diamond")
        diamondValue= diamondValue+1;


Where is error I don’t know please help me

İf I remove the Polygon collider and I add box collider
the error fixed?

as our friend said u may get in touch with your diomend 2 times;
or maybe your player has 2 collider so it works 2 times;

but u can avoid this by disabling diomond collider when u trigger with it ;

  if (diamondCheck.gameObject.tag == "diamond")
            diamondCheck.GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = false;
