It is my understanding that Android Studio is not something that I can use because it does not work with c#, and the developer suite Xamarin which allows c# to be used in AS does not play nice with Unity projects. So what exactly should I do to make my game available to Android users? I have read a lot online and still feeling lost. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
HI, you need to convert your game to APK, which requires you to switch the platform to Android.
See the video below on how to do that:
You will need to install all the required programs (android SDK), which can all be downloaded through Unity itself I believe. Also got to remember to set the environmental paths, this isn't always done automatically when the android SDK is installed.After installed you can buil,d to APK. Then go onto the android store, create your account, and uploud your APK file.
Go into unity, Click File, Click Build Settings, Select Android, Download it if needed, plug your phone into your pc using a USB cable, goto Downloads, in your device’s folder, And put it into there. If you want to publish it to anroid’s playstore, you need to pay a 25$ one-time fee, head over to if you want to publish it to the playstore.