" @eses you good now?"
It is not about me… and you didn’t actually use code tags. Here is how to format your code:
And this is from forum Community Code of Conduct:
Search before you post – The Forums, Answers, and the User Manual are packed full of information so there may already be a solution.
Add relevant and descriptive thread titles – Please do not post a thread titled “Please help I have a problem” as it is likely to get ignored.
Good spelling and grammar – Not everyone is a native English speaker and may not understand j00R L337 5P34|< or colloquial jargon.
Be detailed – When posting about an issue include the version of Unity you are using and machine or device specs.
So you think “I have some code that isn’t working” is descriptive? Or not posting code and then commenting to someone who points out you are not posting your code and not actually explaining properly what is going on? I wasn’t trying to insult you, more like made a generalized observation. But of course it is your question, you can do whatever you want.