I hope better days...

Hard working days, learned a lot… and, my project ended up with a bug (all pink when I opened it this morning - it was in URP). After trying some solutions, I was not successful. :frowning:

Well, crap happens in this gaming medium. I was obviously upset. But, I weighed the pros and cons and, when I made this version (in the video) I learned a lot, including how to deal with shaders and VFX.

I was thinking of making a more acidic post - but I decided to do the opposite, because I imagine that in the world of games, bugs and ‘tragedies’ are quite common, almost a rule. Well, hope for better days… and, starting from scratch again, I just hope - really - that Unity has less complicated rendering systems, maybe just URP and HDRP… in the near future, thus avoiding so many problems.

As a popular phrase goes ‘**** happen’ :p:smile::sunglasses:

[removed: there is a seperate subforum for self/project promotion]

Well, whatever now, all to the trash and restarting from scratch. Anyway, I hope you like this first version (which doesn’t even exist anymore). Weekend I will post in the appropriate forum how my prototype is.

I’ll take advantage of this thread to ask Is there any ‘good way/practice’ used in everyday life to avoid bugs - something like having a backup of a project? How often is this done, etc?

I’m just looking for ‘best practice’ ideas.

Why didn’t you just use version control and roll back to an earlier, working version?


Use version control. Push commits every time you finish a task, otherwise every 30-mins or hour or so. Basically, at any point if something suddenly isn’t working, you should have two options:

  1. debug
  2. just roll back to last increment commit

Sometimes it’s worth it to debug and figure out why something isn’t working, other times its much more productive to just go back a step to when things worked and go from there.

You are going to create bugs and the more complex your project becomes, the more time and energy it will take to fix the bugs. So set yourself up for success by developing habits to mitigate problems like this before they happen.

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Like other people mentioned, version control is the industry standard way to manage projects, not just in game dev, but software development in general. Backups are only one of several problems that these systems solve.

For your immediate problem, though, I would go through the instructions for installing URP again and make sure everything is in place. It could be something as simple as your pipeline asset no longer being assigned in the graphics settings or something like that.

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Pink rendering usually means shader errors, so you’ll want to see if any are appearing in your console.
It may give you a clue as to what’s happened. For instance, you may have accidentally modified a shader file and it isn’t compiling anymore.

If you haven’t knowingly changed anything and there are no errors in your console then you may want to try a full Reimport of your project and hope for the best!

Like others have said, using version control is highly recommended, not only because it backs up your work, but it provides a way of diffing your local changes versus your checked-in changes. Something has changed since it was working and version control makes it much easier to identify where and why something has broken, in addition to being able to rollback if needed.

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Because I just had no idea what ‘version control’ is - at least all this helped me learn more. :smile:

I’ve been trying to get a better idea and position in the face of these ‘mistakes’, etc. These are things that we learn and we only learn by making mistakes, taking risks, etc. Believe me, in my country and in Portuguese there is little about game development compared to other countries. :slight_smile:

I ll try find a tutorial about this ‘version control’, no idea what is it. :frowning: (but, now i learn a important thing, i think).

I found it, i ll start from :slight_smile:

Im watching the tutorial, learning a lot more :slight_smile:


Probably just the URP asset got unassigned and the URP shaders aren’t compatible with built-in RP. Happens on every Unity update for me.

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Friends - little help I created my ‘repository’, clone it in a local folder (from my project) and I made a new project in Unity using the repository folder. Now I updated the ‘version control’ (it asked for an update). I re-edited, as per this tutorial, the ‘gitignore’ file, saved - I think - a version. In the ‘summary’ on GitDesktop I used ‘V1’ (only because I had no idea what to use anyway) and ‘push to origin’. Now I can view it in google chrome in my Git profile.

I think I’ve done it right so far, right?

Nah, in my case was a ‘human DUMB (me :smile: ) factor’. Was my mistake… so, steps back and reestart everything again, but now, with version control.

Why did you start over instead of just fix the problem? If you don’t figure out what you did and fix it, you will likely just do it again.


In my particular case, was better re-start the project.

You haven’t explained what this case was.

Problem with shader, which I don’t even know why. Anyway, I took advantage of the fact to ask about ‘best practices’. I think one of them is trying to work around something (the problem) - as mentioned by others before.

You must not visit these forums very often because we’re constantly discussing it here. Mostly due to the same situation you’ve run into but occasionally for other reasons.

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That’s the reason why I visit the forum constantly, I always find some pertinent information about something (or, most of the time). :wink:

So instead of finding out why this was enough to scrap a whole project?

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