I need help at my reload function

Hey guys,
I have got a problem at my reload function.
I am trying to start a timer after the button “r” is pressed. This timer should be 5 seconds long.
I don’t get the problem.

Here is my script.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class shoot : MonoBehaviour
public float offset;
public bool full = true;
public int ammo = 30;

public GameObject projectille;
public Transform shotPoint;

private float timeBtwShots;
public float startTimeBtwShots;

void Update()

if (full == true)
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))

Instantiate(projectille, shotPoint.position, transform.rotation);
timeBtwShots = startTimeBtwShots;

if (ammo == 0)
full = false;

if (Input.GetButtonDown(“reload”))

IEnumerator StartTimer(float timeLeft) //This StartTimer is the problem

void Reload()
ammo = 30;

Please use the code tags when posting code: Using code tags properly

This should point you in the right direction: Unity - Scripting API: WaitForSeconds

Thanks a lot.
I got it. Now it works

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