I need help. GameObject to the center

Hey guys, I need Help, I’m doing a smaller puzzle game but I have trouble getting the playing field to the center.
Playing field is still on the bottom/left
I tried to fix it using the forum but nothing happened.
Thanks for your help**.**

5799031–612859–GameBoard.cs (2.92 KB)
5799031–612862–PuzzleSection.cs (1.84 KB)
5799031–612865–VectorInt2.cs (73 Bytes)

Hey @FilaAce ,

Even with the fact that placing your puzzle board in the center is possible by using code, it is faster and easier to tweak if you use the options that you have on the Unity’s UI components to achieve what you want.

My recommendation is to do a tutorial with similar functionality of what you’re trying to achieve.

You can do, for example, the next tutorial that will help you to learn a way that you can use to place the 2D elements in the center of the screen: Creating a Tic-Tac-Toe Game Using Only UI Components - Unity Learn

Good luck with your project!