i need help making a movement script

Ii have been working on a puzzle game and I need help making a move script and this is what I have so far

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class move : MonoBehaviour

GetKeyDown:W object Player move Forward

GetKeyDown:A object Player move Right

GetKeyDown:S object Player move Backwards

GetKeyDown:smile: object Player move left

Since you report that are apparently banned from youtube, I cannot offer you any help.

Let me point out that by making 23 virtually content-less zero effort posts in one morning, you are likely feel the ban hammer here soon from the moderators.

Instead, here’s another alternative: go to the Learn above and start there like a normal person. What you have written in your 23 posts code-wise is not even worth discussing until you understand the basics.

Beyond that, perhaps look for some local Unity user groups where you live, or find some gamedev channels to listen in on.

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As usual, Kurt is too polite and indulgent ;). But you made me curious and reading op’s post history is pure horror yet a bit entertaining.

This sentence is nonsense. Imagine you visit a doctor because you feel sick and expect him to help you. You would not sit silent there and expect him to help you. But you would explain what is wrong with you so he can make some kind of diagnose. Same here. If you expect help you will have to be a bit more specific.

But judging from your other posts Kurt is right and you should start with learning sections, tutorials or a C# coding book.

but I tried that already :frowning:

If you lack the self-discipline and motivation to work through the most incredibly basic Unity tutorials, you probably just need to go hire a tutor to teach you basic learning skills. It’s not hard, but you DO have to put effort forth.

but my family wont buy me a tutor

Then there is still the possibility that you are entirely in the wrong field. GameDevelopment is not for everyone. There is nothing wrong in admitting this.
GameDevelopment is hard, frustrating at times, time consuming and requires constant learning and self-challening. The forum is not going to develop a game for you. You can ask questions if you have issues with certain aspects, but it is not a substitute for your own effort in learning. If you are not willing/able to make this effort, you should stop right now and look for another hobby/career.

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