i need help making a portal in unity 2D

So basically I have two portals and I cant make them work I’ve been trying for days, but they just don’t seem to work. here’s what my game looks like.

make sure each of the portal objects have a Collider and said collider is set as a trigger
also you need to attach the script to the portal prefabs, and make sure each is set to the global variables:

public class FixPosition : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject exitPortal;
public GameObject enterPortal;

void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)

	if (other.tag==Consts.TAG_LIVE_PLAYER||other.tag==Consts.TAG_LIVE_ENEMY)

void fixPlayerPosition(Collider2D other)
Vector3  exitPosition;
if (gameObject.tag="enter_tag")//make sure you exit in the right portal
                Vector3 position=other.gameObject.transform.position;
		Vector3 newPosition=new Vector3();




Since you haven’t written any code, I can describe to you a quick pseudo code edition of mine that I would do.

For one, there would be a PortalController.cs script.

The essentials of this PortalController.cs script would look something like this.

class PortalController : MonoBehavior
  private PortalController connectedPortal;

  void Start()
    // When you start, you want to setup the portal connections, find the desired portal, either through
    // tag names or some other way, and set that portals PortalController component to the connectedPortal
    // variable
  OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D otherCollider)
    // Move the player to the connectedPortals transform.position

So essentially, each portal has a reference to the portal it is connected to, and when something collides with the portal, you use the connectedPortal reference to move the collided object to the other portals transform.position.