I don’t know why it’s like that, In the different resolutions camera’s lens and view field changes too
for example when I put resolution on 800600 and build it everything looks like what it was on the game engine
But when I put the resolution on 12801024 it will change the view field a little
I would to setup a camera exactly on a spot but when I want to play the game in different resolutions view filed changes too
I’m pretty sure it’s unusual
1280 X 1024 is a 5:4 aspect ratio, and 800 X 600 is a 4:3 aspect ratio, so it’s no surprise that things are different. You need to account for all aspect ratios, including 16:10 and 16:9. Don’t hard-code for a specific resolution or aspect ratio.
The best way is to use a GUI Tool like NGUI for example. The technique behind this is, that your GUI got Anchors that a relative to top, left, right, bottom, center etc. So, not depending on your resolution, a button for e.g. jump will always be on the left bottom corner and the score for a game will always be on the right top corner. Understand, what I mean?
Thanks but my problem isn’t this, I want when I use a 32" TV or a 17" monitor I want to see the exact same scene. But now when I use a 32" TV it shows more field of view than a 17" monitor
Can’t we have same Aspect ratio in different resolutions? For example I like to have same Aspect ratio in 1280 * 1024 and 1366 * 768
Isn’t it possible?
Just divide 1280 by 1024 and 1366 by 768, if its not that number, its a different aspect ratio. Look wiki for resolutions and aspect ratios, so you know, which one you can handle