I need help with 2D fighting game mixed with quiz game

I want to build a 2D fighting game where my character attacks the enemy if my answer for a question below is correct but if not then the enemy will attack me. Also if my time runs out the enemy will attack me. Me and my enemy both have 3 lives every stage.

This is for my thesis project and I would really appreciate any help. Thank you!

HEllo @norrenbaes !

What do you need exactly? This formus are to aski for concrete questions about Uniti/scrippting matters. You did not a question, you just ask for “help”… help in what? You have to creato your own project, and we can try to solve concrete problems, but not a “How i make a game?” You have to learn this by your side.

Ask concrete questions and me/community will help you for sure :smiley: