guys I need help i was creating game added player movement script and camera follow script i wanted to test them but instead of game i saw blue screen on the test. can you help me?
done! i fixed it by changing main camera setting, i changed in clipping planes setting “Near” from 0.3 to 0
It sounds like your camera was a bit too physically close to everything in the scene. Generally a 2d camera is pulled back a bit from everything on the z axis.
Spiney is right, the near clipping plane shouldn’t be zero’ed because that may lead to odd artifacts eventually. Moving Camera transform position Z to -10 should do the trick. See the default SampleScene content in a 2D project.
You absolutely don’t need a script for that!
Use Cinemachine! It has a position composer that even lets you define areas where it won’t scroll, let’s you scroll ahead, let’s you have the camera follow with damping, and a thousand other things that instantly make the feel of the game more professional (if set up correctly).
oh ok thank you very much