I need help with my camera script.

so, here’s the deal. I am creating a cel-shaded 3d turn-based RPG, and I am using a camera script a friend made and let me use. I have a basic movement script that I made and use. my problem is that every time I rotate the camera and move the character in that direction, the character is still moving forward in the same direction as when the game started. if you need it, in the comments I will post the two scripts.,okay. so here is the deal. I am creating a cel-shaded turn-based 3D RPG, and I have the character movement down. I don’t know if this is with the camera script someone gave me or the movement script I created or both, but anytime I rotate the camera and try to move the character in that direction, the inputs still act like they are facing in the starting direction.

Camera code

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CameraMovement : MonoBehaviour

    //A 3rd person camera control script by Joe Censored Games

    //This script is used to control the camera, having it follow the player or whatever we're watching
    //Hold the right mouse button and move the mouse to rotate the camera, use the scroll function to zoom

    //To use this script, simply attach it to your camera object, and set Target to whatever the camera is to follow

    public bool EnableControls = true;  //Set to false whenever you want to disable right click rotation and scroll function
                                        //for example you may want to disable when interacting with UI elements

    public GameObject Target;  //You're required to set this

    public float MaxDistance = 400f;
    public float MinDistance = 100f;

    public float StartDistance = 200f;

    private float currentDistance;

    public float RotationSpeed = 90f;
    public float ScrollSpeed = 50f;

    public bool UseRotationMultipler1 = false;
    public bool UseRotationMultipler2 = false;

    public static float RotationMultiplier1 = 1f;  //Used as a rotation multiplier from an options menu
    public static float RotationMultiplier2 = 1f;

    [Range(-89.0f, 89.0f)]
    public float MaxAngle = 70f;
    [Range(-89.0f, 89.0f)]
    public float MinAngle = 10f;

    private float xMovement = 0.0f;
    private float yMovement = 0.0f;

    public int MouseButton = 1;  //Use 1 for the right mouse button, otherwise change it to whichever button you'd prefer
                                 //Typically left mouse button is 0, center button or pressing down on a scroll wheel is 2

    public bool ReverseScrollDirection = false;  //set to true if you want the scroll wheel zoom function to operate in reverse

    public bool AlwaysRotateWithMouseMovement = false;  //true enables mouse rotation without having to hold down a mouse button

    private Quaternion rotation;

    private float timeSinceLastWarningAboutMissingTarget = 10.0f;

    private bool initialized = false;

    public bool UseLateUpdate = true;  //Set to true if you want the camera position to update when LateUpdate() is called, set to false if you would rather use Update()

    public delegate void CallDelegateAfterPositionUpdate();
    public CallDelegateAfterPositionUpdate CallAfterPositionUpdate;  //Assign another method on another object to this if you want it called after the camera updates position
                                                                     //This is so you can reliably do some UI positioning after the camera updates, such as UI overlays above world space objects

    public bool DisableLogging = false;  //You may have a situation where you don't want to set your Target, if so set DisableLogging to true to not receive messages about it

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        currentDistance = StartDistance;
        yMovement = MinAngle;  //Camera starts set to the minimum angle, if you'd like it to start at a different angle you can change it here

        initialized = true;

    private void OnEnable()
        if (initialized)

    private void Update()
        if (UseLateUpdate == false)


    private void LateUpdate()
        if (UseLateUpdate == true)

    private void masterUpdate()
        if (Target == null)
            if (DisableLogging == false)
                timeSinceLastWarningAboutMissingTarget = timeSinceLastWarningAboutMissingTarget + Time.deltaTime;
                if (timeSinceLastWarningAboutMissingTarget >= 10.0f)
                    Debug.Log("JCGCameraControl.cs needs a Target");
                    timeSinceLastWarningAboutMissingTarget = 0f;

        if (EnableControls)

            //Here's where we check if either the chosen mouse button is held down, or if AlwaysRotateWithMouseMovement is enabled
            //to check if we should rotate the camera or not
            if (Input.GetMouseButton(MouseButton) || AlwaysRotateWithMouseMovement)

        if (CallAfterPositionUpdate != null)

    private void updatePosition()
        rotation = Quaternion.Euler(yMovement, xMovement, 0);

        Vector3 distanceVector = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -currentDistance);
        Vector3 position = rotation * distanceVector + Target.transform.position;

        transform.position = position;
        transform.LookAt(Target.transform, Vector3.up);

    private void doRotation()
        float rotationMultiplier = 1f;
        if (UseRotationMultipler1)
            rotationMultiplier = RotationMultiplier1;
        else if (UseRotationMultipler2)
            rotationMultiplier = RotationMultiplier2;

        xMovement = xMovement + Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * RotationSpeed * rotationMultiplier * 0.02f;
        yMovement = yMovement - Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * RotationSpeed * rotationMultiplier * 0.02f;

        if (yMovement > MaxAngle)
            yMovement = MaxAngle;
        if (yMovement < MinAngle)
            yMovement = MinAngle;


    private void zoom()
        float scroll = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");

        if (ReverseScrollDirection)
            currentDistance = currentDistance + (scroll * ScrollSpeed);
            currentDistance = currentDistance + (-scroll * ScrollSpeed);

        if (currentDistance > MaxDistance)
            currentDistance = MaxDistance;
        if (currentDistance < MinDistance)
            currentDistance = MinDistance;


movement code

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
    public float speed = 6.0F;
    public float jumpSpeed = 8.0F;
    public float gravity = 20.0F;
    public float sprintSpeed = 10.0f;
    private Vector3 moveDirection = Vector3.zero;

    void Update()
        CharacterController controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
        // is the controller on the ground?
        if (controller.isGrounded)
            //Feed moveDirection with input.
            moveDirection = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
            moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection);
            //Multiply it by speed.
            moveDirection *= speed;
            if (Input.GetButton("Jump"))
                moveDirection.y = jumpSpeed;

            if (Input.GetButton("Sprint"))
                transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * speed * sprintSpeed);

        //Applying gravity to the controller
        moveDirection.y -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
        //Making the character move
        controller.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime);