So first of all I should show you an image of the board so you have a visual.
So this is how the board will look like and the White Dot in the bottom is a capsule which is currently representing the player. The basic movement is like this. You throw a dice, you get a random number between 1 and 6. If you get for example 4, the tiles that are 4 tiles away from the one your currently standing on will light up and become clickable. This is all working just fine and without problems.
What I do need a little help with is making only the tiles that are clockwise light up. So the player can only move clockwise on the board. I started programming this by checking the X- and Z-axis of the tile and comparing them with the current position of the player and check if the tile is clockwise or not. This is working for 90% but isn’t really optimized or very good for performance.
So somebody told me I should do it like this.
Calculate the angle between the position of the player and the position of the tile with polar coordinates and if it’s higher then it is clockwise otherwise it’s not. I gave this a shot, but the coordinates that are returned seem like they are not on a grid from 0 degrees - 360 degrees. So I was wondering if someone could help me on how I should calculate this, or if they have an even better idea on how to handle this?