I Need Ideas Please..

Hi There,
I don’t know where to post but this i hope is ok:

I really need help with a game story… any input is much appreciated!
I have brain-stormed until my mind exploded! lol

(Still picking up the pieces off the floor…my ideas…lol)

Anyone have a game idea they would like to play?

or maybe even a scenario they would like to be in?

My main concern is i have invested probably a few thousand into game assets from sales on Unity Asset Store Over The Years and the like) since i have been using unity back in 2014…but still don’t really have anything HARD (you know, hard evidence of what i created,compiled and released…)

(I have the tools and i have the talent but i lack ideas and out of the box solutions to scenarios too… ;/

Please, I need help guys and this is the best place to start…

What ideas have you come up with so far? What kind of themes do you like? What kind of game mechanics do you enjoy?

Why did you get into game development in the first place?

Well, you picking in your poll quite big projects. Easy to fail, if you don’t have long term commitment.

Yet I would like play game which is mix of

But seriously, it doesn’t matter what we want.
If you don’t have feeling for doing things what you try to do here, perhaps this is not something you should be really doing.

Last thing you want, is spending months, or years on something, you don’t really enjoy doing.

Either way you need vision and clear goals, to pursue them.
Or you are just coding monkey / artist and need a manager.

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Well, I like the stalker series and was sort of leaning toward those games… :slight_smile:

I like Skyrim, pretty much ALL open world games RPG’s,

As a theme that I like personally is survival,

As an AVID unity my main game mechanics have always been survival (I know i already mentioned it) :smile:

Thank You For Your Input Too!

Oh my feelings are STRONG in what i build, believe me…
(Hi, By The Way) :smile:

Well, although my vision isin’t quite clear for what i’m after i’m always building and building hoping to pickup some inspiration somewhere (that’s my main problem i think is lack of inspiration).

I feed off of inspiration that i find off everyday things and come to think of it, I may need some kind of journal or something to write down everything… (Lol solved my own problem there…)

Thanks guys for your feedback too it’s greatly appreciated!

Also, thanks for some of those ideas too…


I suggest showing us what you got so far, based on what you would like to do. I am sure you got something of basics by now.

We then could go somewhere from there with suggestions. Otherwise, is really hard to guess, what may be good fit for what you are doing.

Some screenies and vids would be good starting point.

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OK, here’s a vague idea I had ages ago that could be adapted to fit.
To escape a blizzard, you find yourself in a small town that’s been sacked by vampires. It’s day time so the vampires can’t follow you outside, but you will freeze to death very quickly without equipment. You have to craft items and each vampire you fight is essentially a combat puzzle as shooting them will only knock them down. You have to use the environment to properly beat them. Though could be zombies/thralls/whatever as normal enemies in between. Can be as small as a couple of buildings or as big as an entire town depending on your scope. Essentially the Long Dark meets Resident Evil. My original idea for this was that you are a mother/father looking for your child in this town. The gut punch ending is that they’ve already been turned. You face and defeat the head vampire and are told that killing him will also kill all of the other vampires, including your child. You then have to decide whether to do so or leave and leave your child as a vampire in this town knowing you can never see them again.

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My God!
That really is brilliant!
I can definitely make ALL of that happen,
That’s a good idea man, that’s a really good start on a journey to an open-world game too in my humble opinion…

I can easily make that (with your permission of course)
into an open-ended stalker esque with some added RPG elements (maybe lol)

Yeah man, i kinda like that idea about surviving and fighting in the cold lol
Thank You For Your Input Too!

It’s Much Appreciated.

Yes as a matter of fact i do,
It’s a stalker esque game with RPG elements and trying to implement a currency system right now… :slight_smile:

I chose stalker because i (obviously) love the game franchise and like the open world (kinda) gameplay to where there ARE enemies but you have to find them and take them out as you were sent by the military or something like that and also have a kind of safe zone to go to…(Skadovsk!) lol

I am only having trouble with a store system to where i can trade with NPS’s and make money (In Game)
Also, I would probably not charge very much indeed (In Real Life) as i love doing this and creating…

Thank You Once Again Guys I Love The Input Keep Em’ Coming Please!

I know i am asking way too much but anyone know of a good In Game shopping system here on unity???

Thank You In Advanced!

I am also using a now deprecated package called ultimate survival but am struggling with a shop system but i already have an inventory system… =/

Hey, thanks for the feedback. You’re welcome to do whatever (or nothing) you like with it!

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Hey again! :slight_smile:
I really appreciate the feedback from here and any other feedback is more than welcome too! :wink:

Unfortunately zombie games and stories are played out. Been on a downhill slide since around 2013.

Though I’d like to see a game like Infestation Survival Stories actually done right without cheaters and cash grab mechanics.

Oh i see,
Well, I was kind of leaning toward a survival infection game where people are infected and you were sent by the military to exterminate them and survive… :wink:

I already have game mechanics where you have to craft certain things too…

So the whole zombie thing is pretty much dead??

I am glad you told me that because I haven’t had (until this thread) very much information on what people think about that thank you…


Is this a game or??

Crafting is one of the fundamental features of just about every survival game out there. If you want a game to be successful it either needs to have the best implementations possible for the features everyone else has and/or it needs to have a feature none of the others have.


Well what features would you like then?

The more suggestions the better! :smile:

I want to lean also to the stalker series too… but different

It will also be open world as i do not like linear games…

VERY big world where you have to travel VIA car too…

This is where i have a little trouble and i need some input from other players and creators. :slight_smile:

(Forgive me of all the posts too…)

I also have already added anomalies in my game and trying to add phenomenas too… :wink: