I need my "bullet" gameobject to spawn infront of my player

I know that this is a simple line of code, but I just cant remember what it is, I need my gameobject to spawn infront of a different one, but it is just spawning in the player, and it messes things up, here is the code I am currently using and need updated:
void Update()
transform.Translate(Vector3.down * speed * Time.deltaTime);

Read post number 18 in this thread. what is transform.forward?

It sounds like you just want to set the bullet’s position to be relative to the player:

bullet.transform.position = player.transform.position + player.transform.forward;

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somewhat, I need the bullet to go in the direction the player is facing, and I also need the bullet to rotate to the player

although that did help me a lot, thanks!

You can actually just set the transform.forward of the bullet equal to the transform.forward of the player.

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but how would I do that?

Referencing GameObjects, Scripts, variables, fields, methods (anything non-static) in other script instances or GameObjects:

