My goal is to have an object (eg a sphere) that can have a force applied to (therefore the rigidbody can’t be kinematic). This sphere needs to contain a lot of little objects (like a lotto rolling sphere).
This is what i’ve done so far : i created the parent object (the sphere) with a semi-transparent material, non-kinematic rigidbody and a convex sphere collider. This object have a children, called “container”. In blender, i have inverted the sphere normals so i have a non-convex sphere container. The container have a this new created sphere as a mesh collider. The engine forced me to add a kinematic rigidbody.
This way, i was able to instanciate objects in the container and they seem stay in it. In addition, i can move the parent sphere and it can roll on the ground, all the little objects have gravitation applied to.
The problem is that when the sphere move too fast, all theses objects passe through the container. I think the reason is that the container have no forces applied to, the position is just recalculated on the basis of the parent (the sphere). That could explain why changing collision detection mode have no effect.
There would also be the possibility to force, by a script, to force all the objects to stay in the radius of the sphere. Unfortunatly, in the future, the container object will not be a sphere so this workaround can not work.
Help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.