I need scripting help

Hello, I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I’m going to any way.

I am making a fps game for school and I need script. the first one is to make the pistol shoot. This is a flintlock pistol, so it needs to be single shot and once you have shot it needs to go out of the screen for about two seconds and then come back up to shoot. Any help will be appreciated!

Unity support section? Scripting section? Miss those?


Also, you need a more informative thread title.

So, you want people to do your homework?

Nobody will just write a script for you. Use these resources:



do a raycast for aiming/shooting (or instantiate a bullet object and fire it)

have the camera following your mouse

when fire button is clicked, you can draw a line to make it look like an actual shot.

you can use a coroutine for it staying out of screen for 2 seconds.

nobody here is going to do your homework for you. we can give you advices and point you towards it.

No I just need help I suck at writing code.

you also suck at making threads and doing research. Nobody wants to make your game for you, and nobody wants to do research for you.