Hi. … I upload my entire project online . and I fear that this will be a danger
How can I create a password with an unity editor and it will ask when opening a scene?
Basically, you don’t. Forget it. If you really afraid of someone steal your work, put it in a password protected zip file, but that only deter the average users.
Don’t put your source code on the internet if you don’t want people to have it. It’s simple like that.
You could zip it or rar it and put a password on it? Else, you could password protect the online directory using htaccess http://www.htaccesstools.com/articles/password-protection/
i mean protect project because use Github or unity collab … if use .rar will be very inconvenient
If you don’t trust your provider (Unity or Github), don’t use them. BTW, it’s a very minuscule chance that someone steal your project. If you are afraid, you always can maintain your own version control server so you can protect it however you want.
Use a private repo, e.g. via Gitlab. (It’s free for small teams)
Github has private repositories now as well (since 2019). Github still enforces repository size as far as I am aware of and iirc it is about 1GB. Gitlab provides about a soft 10GB cap as fair use limit.
You will hit both sizes with a large unity project easily - until then I’d also recommend gitlab.
Can you password protect the base files while allowing people to insert an asset or in our case insert a robot. We only want them to be able to insert the robot and test a robot. we want to protect all of the basic files. Thoughts?