Hello,I am new to game development so i have some questions about scripting:
1.Why there are so many different types of syntaxes,i mean i see in different tutorials,some of them are using different statements with different names but which do the same thing.Can somebody tell me more about the C# syntax and it would be good if you’d give me a source from i can learn.
2. Do i need to know C# programming to get the “Swords and shovels” series on the Unity webpage,or i will be learning C# dirrectly from the tutorials?
Thank you and sorry for my poor english.
1: That’s just how the language works. Trying to pick up the entire syntax of C# in one go is not going to be viable. Stick with it, and read up on specific features and pieces of syntax as you run into them.
To look up something specific, you can either look it up on DotNetPerls’ C# section (which is intended as a teaching resource), or look through the MSDN pages on the feature (which is intended for developers, so it’s got a more advanced language).
So if you want to figure out what it means that a field is marked as “private”, you can google “DotNetPerls private”, and get some pretty good info.
2: I haven’t tried the Swords and Shovels series. It’s marked as “for beginners”, so I assume it’s made to teach you everything you need. If you have questions about specific tutorials, you can ask in the forums dedicated to the tutorials.
I really appreciate your help and your timing,thank you for your answer,it will help me a lot