When I click on an imported object in the project window I can see it's check box for generate colliders under the FBXImporter component in the Inpsector. But now I need to click that same check box for a sphere I did not import, so It does have the FBX component. I can even see it's green sphere that should indicate it has sphere collider, I can even click on apply, but I think if I could find this check box it would work properly. Thank you for any assistance.
What do you mean?
If you have not imported the model as an fbx how can you add a collider to it with the fbx importer? Have you created the sphere in unity? If you have then it comes with a default sphere collider.Click on the sphere game object and look at your inspector tab to check if the collider has been added and checked.
If this is not the answer your looking for rephrase the wuestion so that we know what the actual problem is.