I need to make a door open only when the player's essence has reached a certain level


I am trying to script an interaction between the player and a door. The door has a trigger-collider on it and I want it to open when the player makes contact with it, BUT ONLY IF the player’s essence (health) has reached a certain amount (at least 80); the process should then drain the player’s health by 80. The essence is controlled by a different script and counts up at the rate of 0.5 p/s. I think the particular problem I am having is in accessing the currentEssence from the essenceScript and then subtracting from it as currentEssence is a variable and -80 is an integer. I have exhausted the forums for similar problems. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi: you’re my only hope.


var clockBG : Texture2D;
var clockFG : Texture2D;
var clockFGMaxWidth : float;
private var currentEssence : float;
var essenceRegen : float = 1;

function Start()
startTime = 10.0;
clockFGMaxWidth = clockFG.width;
currentEssence = 10;

function Update ()
currentEssence += essenceRegen * Time.deltaTime;
if(currentEssence >= 100) currentEssence = 100;
if(currentEssence <= 0) currentEssence = 0;


function OnGUI()

 var newBarWidth:float = (currentEssence/100) * clockFGMaxWidth;

 Debug.Log("current essence " + currentEssence);

 var gap:int = 20;

 GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect (Screen.width - clockBG.width - gap, 
     gap, clockBG.width, clockBG.height));
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect (0,0, clockBG.width, clockBG.height), clockBG);

     GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(5,6, newBarWidth, clockFG.height));
         GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(0,0, clockFG.width, clockFG.height), clockFG);



private var currentEssence: essenceScript = GetComponent(essenceScript);

function OnTriggerEnter()

if (currentEssence >= 80) currentEssence -80;
yield WaitForSeconds (2);


I wrote it down in c# and explained a bit in there. Just change the variable to your own in JS, that should work then.

	essenceScript essenceScript;
	void Start () {

		essenceScript = GetComponent<essenceScript>();

		 * I think your script is not attached to your Door,
		 * so this may not work.
		 * If it's attached to your Player you can go like
		 * essenceScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<essenceScript> ();
		 * Your Player needs to be tagged properly then.

	void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other){
		if (other.gameObject.CompareTag ("Player") && essenceScript.currentEssence >= 80) {

			essenceScript.currentEssence -= 80;