I need to Stop and Restart a Co-Routine at anytime

My problem is that co-routines are overlapping eachother. I have even called StopAllCoroutines right before starting a new one, yet they still overlap. How can I ensure that only a single co-routine exists at one time?

Can anyone explain why they are overlapping even though I’m calling StopAllCoroutines before starting a new one?

 void OnEnable() {
    		if (!isRunning) {
    			StopAllCoroutines ();
    			StartCoroutine (levelManagement ());

void Update() {

		if (LoseGame.loseGame == true) {
			isRunning = false;
			this.enabled = false;
    	IEnumerator levelManagement() {
    		isRunning = true;
    		while (isRunning) {
    			//Level 1 
    			InvokeRepeating ("SpawnRandomCubes", 0.25f, 0.25f);
    			yield return new WaitForSeconds (10f);
    			CancelInvoke ("SpawnRandomCubes");
    			InvokeRepeating ("SpawnSingleEntries", 1.5f, 1.5f);
    			yield return new WaitForSeconds (4.5f); 
    			CancelInvoke ("SpawnSingleEntries");
    			InvokeRepeating ("SpawnRandomCubes", 0.25f, 0.25f);
    			yield return new WaitForSeconds (10f);
    			CancelInvoke ("SpawnRandomCubes");
    			//Level 2
    			yield return new WaitForSeconds (10f);
    			StopCoroutine (SpawnZigZag (2));
    			InvokeRepeating ("SpawnRandomCubes", 0.2f, 0.2f);
    			yield return new WaitForSeconds (15f);
    			CancelInvoke ("SpawnRandomCubes");
    		yield break;


I too am having this problem designing timers. Using Start and Stop on a coroutine running a timer seems to increment its speed everytime Start is called using the IEnumerator variable as the parameter