I only want one life to be taken from this script then next ti...

Then next time i hit it take another.

The problem is i am trying to create a delay (Got that) So that i can play ananimation when i die the problem is when i hit the collider and stay there for 5 seconds it removes all my lives

see code below

private var dead = false;

var mydeadsound : AudioClip;

function OnControllerColliderHit(hit : ControllerColliderHit) {

if(hit.gameObject.tag == "fallout") {

    HealthControl.LIVES -=1;
    yield WaitForSeconds(5);
    dead = true;



function LateUpdate()


    transform.position = Vector3(69.05988,0.8250099,0.01707077);

    dead = false;

private var dead = false;
private var dying = false;

var mydeadsound : AudioClip;

function OnControllerColliderHit(hit : ControllerColliderHit) {

//if hit fallout and player is not already dead
if((hit.gameObject.tag == "fallout")&&(!dying)) {
    HealthControl.LIVES -=1;

    yield WaitForSeconds(5);
    dead = true;



function LateUpdate() { 


    transform.position = Vector3(69.05988,0.8250099,0.01707077);

    dead = false;
    dying = false;


Thanks to the guy with the chines name (Sorry don't know who you are ) Thanks