I put sound in my game for android!But no work when build on mobile!Why?

I put sound in my game for android .When I play it on Gamewindow,sound is work!But when I build it on my android mobile,the sound is not work!Why?My mobile play other game have sound no problem!Is it have some permissions unity3d for android about sound?My mobile is HTC G7.

Did you by error use an ogg sound?

that one would play in game window and on desktop and webplayer but not on mobile. for mobile sound must be mp3 or wav (I think mid might work too)

It is mav. I run the example iPhone-Match’s sound is not work ,too.

sure that its the sounds not working not you having turned of the media sound on the device? (androids have 4 types of distinct volumes and generally you toy around with the ringer not the media)

But I play other game have sound!And I turn sound on every options I can see.Do unity for android have some script control sound?

only if you added it, otherwise it will just play the audio

I have no idea about you say:“only if you added it ,otherwise it will just play the audio”.How to add it?What is it?Is it sound?Add sound is at audio source comopent’s audio clip,right?Is there other step?
I make a media player project build by eclipse for android’s apk and it’s work well on my phone for the same sound source.It is means sound source and phone’s setting up no problem.Right?Why!I am depressed.

I have found the problem ,thank you very much!
I havent saw the error tag:
application was unable to load optimized libraries(possibly because your hardware does not fully support this application).It will run in ‘compatible mode’,with audio disabled.
What is this error reason?