I received a "boundary" statement in the output text

Muse answered with a “–boundary” data blob inserted into the text (in step 3) when I asked this:

how can i make an object slowly turn towards another?

To make an object slowly turn towards another in Unity, you can use the following steps:

  1. Calculate the rotation needed to face the target object using Quaternion.LookRotation(). This function returns a quaternion representing the rotation from the forward direction to the direction of the target object 1.
  2. Smoothly interpolate between the current rotation and the target rotation using Quaternion.Slerp(). This function provides a smooth transition between two rotations over time 1.
  3. Use Time.deltaTime to ensure the rotation is updated at a consistent rate, regardless of the frame rate of your game or app --boundary-24680c44038d4ff2aad01a3eb9028ae7 {“source”: “Unity - Manual: Time and frame rate management”, “reason”: “Explanation of how to ensure the rotation is updated at a consistent rate.”} boundary-24680c44038d4ff2aad01a3eb9028ae7 .

Thanks for reporting, we saw a recent increase of this error as well and are investigating it.
Context: this is incorrectly parsing a streamed citation (if correctly parsed, it is rendered as a purple footnote). Give us some time to fix this, we apologize for the issue.

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