I switched the word main and camera around I think… and now i switched it back its giving me a bogus error. please tell me how to fix if I don’t know IM SCREWED because theres no way to undo it because I saved and exited by accident…
using System.Threading;
public class WorldGenerator : MonoBehaviour {
private Map map;
private ColumnMap columnMap = new ColumnMap();
private TerrainGenerator terrainGenerator;
private TreeGenerator[] treeGenerator;
private bool building = false;
void Awake() {
map = GetComponent<Map>();
terrainGenerator = new TerrainGenerator(map);
Block[] woodBlocks = map.GetBlockSet().GetBlocks("Wood");
Block[] leavesBlocks = map.GetBlockSet().GetBlocks("Leaves");
treeGenerator = new TreeGenerator[ Math.Max(woodBlocks.Length, leavesBlocks.Length) ];
for(int i=0; i<treeGenerator.Length; i++) {
Block wood = woodBlocks[ i%woodBlocks.Length ];
Block leaves = leavesBlocks[ i%leavesBlocks.Length ];
treeGenerator *= new TreeGenerator(map, wood, leaves);*
void Update() {*
if(!building) StartCoroutine( Building() );*
private IEnumerator Building() {*
building = true;*
Vector3 pos = Camera.CameraMain.transform.position;*
Vector3i current = Chunk.ToChunkPosition( (int)pos.x, (int)pos.y, (int)pos.z );*
Vector3i? column = columnMap.GetClosestEmptyColumn(current.x, current.z, 7);*
if(column.HasValue) {*
int cx = column.Value.x;*
int cz = column.Value.z;*
columnMap.SetBuilt(cx, cz);*
yield return StartCoroutine( GenerateColumn(cx, cz) );*
yield return null;*
ChunkSunLightComputer.ComputeRays(map, cx, cz);*
ChunkSunLightComputer.Scatter(map, columnMap, cx, cz);*
terrainGenerator.GeneratePlants(cx, cz);*
yield return StartCoroutine( BuildColumn(cx, cz) );*
building = false;*
private IEnumerator GenerateColumn(int cx, int cz) {*
yield return StartCoroutine( terrainGenerator.Generate(cx, cz) );*
yield return null;*
if(treeGenerator.Length > 0) {*
int x = cx * Chunk.SIZE_X + Chunk.SIZE_X/2;
int z = cz * Chunk.SIZE_Z + Chunk.SIZE_Z/2;
int y = map.GetMaxY(x, z)+1;*
int index = UnityEngine.Random.Range( 0, treeGenerator.Length );*
treeGenerator[index].Generate(x, y, z);*
public IEnumerator BuildColumn(int cx, int cz) {*
List3D<Chunk> chunks = map.GetChunks();*
for(int cy=chunks.GetMinY(); cy<chunks.GetMaxY(); cy++) {*
Chunk chunk = map.GetChunk( new Vector3i(cx, cy, cz) );*
if(chunk != null) chunk.GetChunkRendererInstance().SetDirty();*
if(chunk != null) yield return null;*