I downloaded the 30 day mac trial and then simply activated it 24hrs later. Is this the latest version then? I received an email with a different download link. Just wondering if there are better beta versions out there?
On the same note. What else should I now add myself too? I heard there was a special developer section. Like is there some documentation section, wiki, forum that’s exclusive to Pro customers?
Lastly. I was evaluating Unity 2.6.1 before committing to a purchase. I had reviewed the manual, API Ref, and older 2.x examples on the site. Can someone best advise me on where I can read up on getting started with 3.0 related materials only? This section of the forum lists many video tutorials for which I’m truly grateful however I’m rather desperately behind schedule with previous works that need to be ported over to unity 3.0. So I’d like to focus on Unity 3.0 related materials where ever possible.
My game-dev background has been in Java Wireless toolkit. Java applets, Java standalone. Microsoft XNA, ANSI C, Objective C and C#. And Blender 2.5x for modeling. I can also script but mono develop sounds interesting. Thanks again.
I’m looking for multiple feedback however small, I appreciate any amount of time that people can spare as I know most developers run busy lives.
The final version has now been released, so you should make sure you have that rather than a beta version.
You are already on the forum. There is also an alternative support site called Unity Answers which you might like to check out. The exclusive pro-only section of the forum is just a rumour - nothing like this is likely to be implemented any time soon. The Unify wiki is a useful source of information and code but you don’t need to sign up for it unless you want to make changes.
There isn’t much 3.0-specific material yet. However, the changes in 3.0 are mostly additional features and extensions to existing features, so you aren’t likely to learn anything unhelpful from tutorials designed for 2.x.
I like to add that this ‘teaching’ section is growing in size. Is there a way to sticky a sub section at the top called ‘Videos’ ? Then move and get new posts relating to Unity training videos there? That section can then be reviewed from time to time to see what new material can be integrated into the Unify Wiki.