i started a new project and tried to install Multiplayer Samples Utilities package but it just gave me a ton of errors
To download packages from git you need to have a git executable onyour computer. You should download git, make sure the path to the git exetutable is in the enviroment variables on your computer and then restart unity and unity hub and try again.
That last statement seems to indicate Unity Hub is not installed, or it meant to repeat to say that git isn’t installed. Git, I assume, would normally be installed by installing Unity in the first place if it relies on that. You could try installing git manually in case everything else is working fine because I’m not 100% sure this is part of Unity, might not be. I always have a version of git installed.
Otherwise it would help if you could post the Editor.log after trying to install the package and seeing these errors. See: Unity - Manual: Log files
As an alternative, you can also download the entire project from github, unzip it, and then use Package Manager to “add package from disk” and locate the package.json file in this folder: