Hi guys.
So I tried to make a Scroll menu and I made a panel, I gave it a scrollrect, I had an image parented to said panel and dragged it into the panel’s scrollrect content field.
After I did that I pushed play and was like “WoW the image really scrolls up and down”.
Then I went into the Panel’s scrollrect options and made the “movement type” “unrestricted”, and then I hit play again to see if the elasticity is gone now.
Something strange happened then, my camera zoomed in really far to the point where I can only see pixels of the background and none of my UI is on the screen anymore…
I hit stop and play and the game launched with the same camera situation.
I tried a few things to fix that.
I tried to uncheck my menu, but the zoom persists.
I tried restarting Unity, nothing. Then I figured maybe my save data is keeping it there so I gave one of my buttons the PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); and then during play I scaled the button to be really big so that I could push it with the limited screen size. But deleting the playerprefs didn’t change the behavior either.
When the game runs I can manipulate the camera and change the angle and the pan of the camera. But even if I look at my scene with the pan all the way back it’s still all pixely. And the UI is nowhere.
I don’t know what I did. Please Help xD
This is the view I get when I hit play. It’s way too zoomed in, and even if I zoom out in the scene while the game is running, the pixels don’t increase. It’s funky.
Left you see my Panel which is called “Achievement Table” which I gave the “scroll rect” to, and parented underneath is “image” which I dragged to the content of the “Achievement Table”'s “scroll rect”.
That’s my Unity Version